33rd Annual World Class Crab Races, Crab Feed, & Crab Derby
Saturday, April 15, 2023
- Time
- 11:00 AM - 5:00 PM
- Venue
- Westport Marina Public Parking Lot, Westport, WA, 98595
- Price
- Tent admission $2.00 Races & Food sold separately
A unique family fun experience at the marina in Westport. Come EAT, RACE, & ENJOY!
More Information (Go Grays Harbor is not responsible for external websites)
The Westport/Grayland Chamber of Commerce 33rd Annual World Class Crab Races, Crab feed & Crab Derby. A unique family fun experience at the marina in Westport. Come EAT, RACE, & ENJOY! Races and feed on Sat. 4/15 at 11am to 5pm, Westport Marina- under the Big Tent. Tent admission is $2.00. Food & Race prices separate, Race sign-up 11am Races start at 1:00pm. Derby Sat. 4/15 at 8am to 5pm. @ the Westport Marina Derby Booth. Derby Tickets $10.00 Presented by WEfish & Washington Dungeness Crab Fisherman's Assoc. For additional information visit www.cometowestport.com
Westport Marina Public Parking Lot
Nyhus St N. & Carstensen St.
Westport, WA
The event runs from 11:00 AM to 5:00 PM on the following dates.
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