The Zoom Log in information for meetings can be found online.
A few local government meetings to be aware of that are on the schedule this week. First, tonight the Westport regular city council meeting will be in person and online. The meting will begin at 7p at the city courthouse on N. Montesano and on Zoom. Among the items on the agenda tonight is the bid approval for the Hancock Ave. project. Also, on Thursday morning will be the Grays Harbor County Board of Health quarterly meeting. It will be at the Pearsall Building and on zoom for those who can’t attend in person. The meeting will be from 8:30am until 10:30am. The Zoom Log in information for both meetings can be found by going to our website.
Westport Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 821 6067 4144
Passcode: 713230
Zoom Meeting:
Meeting ID: 818 7315 1278
Passcode: boh