Jordan Bowers received a sentence of 20-month behind bars in a plea deal.
The mother of missing 5-year-old Oakley Carlson is given the maximum sentence for two counts of felony child endangerment. On Friday Jordan Bowers received a sentence of 20-month behind bars in a plea deal regarding charges that she exposed her 6-year-old and 2-year-old children to methamphetamine. In late March, Oakley’s father Andrew Carlson was given a 12-month sentence for the same charges. Even though prosecutors recommended a lighter sentence for Bowers, the judge issued the maximum jailtime in part because of Bower’s criminal history. Outside the courthouse Friday, a group of people that included Oakley Carlson’s former foster parents, held signs and yelled at Bowers to give answers on the missing child’s whereabouts. No charges have been filed yet regarding that case.