Connect with the City of Aberdeen
Business Licensing
City Council
The City of Aberdeen operates under the mayor-council form of government, where policy and administration are separated. All legislative and policy-making powers are vested in the city council. The administrative authority, including veto power, is vested in the mayor.
Council Roster & Committee Assignments (PDF)
Look at the Council Roster and Committee Assignments document.
Arts Commission
The purpose of Aberdeen’s Arts Commission is to introduce a wide range of quality public art into the community, enhancing the civic environment and enriching the lives of residents and visitors.
Engineering Division
View contact information for the Engineering Division.
Community Development
As a team, we are responsible for efforts to support business development while enhancing the quality of life in the community.
Permit Center
All permits needed for development of a property. All permits required for remodel, repair or change of land and buildings.
Lodging Tax Committee
This fund was created for the purpose of paying all or any part of the cost of acquisition, construction, or operating of stadium facilities, convention center facilities, performing arts center facilities and/or visual arts center facilities, or to pay or secure the payment of all or any portion of general obligation bonds or revenue bonds issued for such purpose or purposes under this chapter or to pay for advertising, publicizing, or otherwise distributing information for the purpose of attracting visitors and encouraging tourist expansion.
Current Projects
Public Works projects that currently being developed or implemented
Donors & Sponsors
The City of Aberdeen Parks and Recreation Department and the Aberdeen Beautification Committee wants to extend a big thank you to our numerous people and businesses that have generously opened their pockets to provide the Aberdeen Beautification Project with financial support. It would not be possible without you. Thank You!