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Mark Stevens

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Lane Shift On US 12 This Week

Drivers on US 12 between Montesano and the Thurston County line saw one lane shift happen last week with more planned for this week.

Drivers on US 12 between Montesano and the Thurston County line saw one lane shift happen last week with more planned for this week. On Friday crews shifted one westbound lane over the median to the eastbound side. This Wednesday workers will switch an Eastbound Lane onto a new State Route 8 bridge. That work will happen between Elma and McCleary. Another switch will then happen on Friday June 14th. WSDOT advises that drivers will see rolling slowdowns while the switches are made. Get up to date info at Go Grays Harbor.com https://wsdot.com/Travel/Real-time/Map/?layers=traffic-flow%2Calert%2Ccamera&base=wsdot&extent=-123.71125427245987%2C46.926127450854466%2C-123.1509515380856%2C47.114075304359616&fromLink=true