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Bear Tries To Enter Washington Home By Squeezing Through Doggie Door

Typically, the bears are still in their winter slumber but this particular fella seemed a little hungry and apparently really liked what he was smelling so of COURSE, if you like what you smell, you're going to check it out right? 

"The video is completely entertaining, but also makes me a little worried about waking up in bed with the bear next to me," the homeowner told KOMO-TV.


After the bear failed in his attempt to squeeze through the doggie door, it tried some windows. (Terrifying) but according to this homeowner, it's just part of living life in the wilderness, and it's true...I mean after all, we are infringing on their habitat.

"We live in a rural area, and encounters are a normal part of living here," Holt said. "It's one of the things we enjoy most about living in North Bend."

Thankfully nobody (including the bear) was injured. Just a startled homeowner and a bear that's apparently super hungry and looking for food...so beware! 



Photo Credit: YouTube/KOMO TV