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Tis' The Season Again--For Freezing Fog In Washington

We always hear about the warnings about snow and ice but something that goes forgotten about sometimes is freezing fog and the dangers that it presents.  I hit some slick spots this morning driving through the Black Hills and it definitely woke me up! 

Many places here in Washington start to see this phenomenon this time of year when dense fog and cold overnight temperatures that cause that fog to freeze on surrounding roads and highways. The worst part of this is that it's hard to see with the fog already and throw in the fact that the colder temperatures can sometimes cause it to freeze on the roadways leaving an icy glaze that can cause dangerous driving conditions, especially on bridges and overpasses.

Here are five helpful safety tips to keep in mind when dealing with freezing fog--


1. DON'T drive in the fog (freezing or not) with your high beams on.

2. Scrape your windows and windshield for optimal vision.

3. Check sidewalk conditions---chances are if the sidewalk is icy, the roads could very well be too so give yourself plenty of extra time.

4. No "herky jerky" movements when your driving. Don't accelerate or brake too quickly and don't take turns too sharply.

5. Try to stay on the main roads and leave a LOT more distance between you and other vehicles. They say up to 10 times more distance than you would on dry pavement. 


Photo Credit: KGW