On Air Now

Chris Hughett

10:00pm - 6:00am

A portrait of pure evil...

First off, let me introduce you to Chloe -- she's one of my three cats, and the loudest of the bunch (she was the runt of her litter and is "my baby" -- very attached). The other day when we had a bit of snow, she wouldn't leave me alone, and was constantly chirping, and sitting in the window. The obviously wanted my attention, and she ran up to the window and stared intently outside. What was she going for? In this case -- it was a moth. I know that if I went out and brought it in, she'd tear up the house. I often wonder if she has visions in her head of stalking a large rat through the house -- and that by talking to it, it will just walk right into her mouth. Either way, she can only look at the outside and be taunted by the magical things through the window.